Sunday, April 19, 2015

Simplest file upload using JavaScript and iframe

       Uploading a file using web page needs the page to be submitted. There was no other way to do this except that HTML5 came up with the FileReader object.
But if you need a version of file upload that is asynchronous kind of like Ajax then here is a very simple solution.
      I’ve used ASP.NET with JavaScript the same concept and the JavaScript code can be used with any other server side processing language. Note that this uses only JavaScript and no jQuery and is browser independent (Iv’e checked this in IE8 and it works fine)
     A HTTP Handler is the one that handles file submission and returns a HTML string that is used to display a response.

The HTML code has a from with a file control and div tag to display the result
<form action='fileuploader.ashx' method="post" id='frmUpload' enctype="multipart/form-data" >
<input type="file" name="file1" onchange="fileUpload('upload'); return false;" />
<div id="upload"></div>

    The form is called frmupload & including the enctype="multipart/form-data"
is important to get the file data upon submission.  The file control is called file1 and the result div is called upload.

The .ashx.cs file contains the following code:
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            context.Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
            context.Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "private, no-cache");
            //only the post method is handled
            if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                    string fName = "";
                    if (context.Request.Files["file1"] != null)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Files["file1"].FileName))
                            //get only the filename
                            fName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(context.Request.Files["file1"].FileName);
                            //its better to use the SaveAs methof provided by the file upload control
                            //in later browers the FileName does not give the complete path of the file
                            //in ie8 the FileName gives the complete path
                            context.Request.Files["file1"].SaveAs(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("uploads") + "/" + fName);
                                context.Response.Write(fName+" has been uploaded");
                            context.Response.Write("There was an error uploading the file");
                    context.Response.Write("There was an error uploading the file");
If you see an ashx file, the main method put the by default by visual studio is the

 public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

We will use this method to get our file using the HttpContext object provided by the method.

       This method takes the HttpContext object (called context) and uses it to get the file control.
The control has methoid called SaveAs that is used to save the file into a location on the server. While using IE (IE 8), I found that the FileName property of the control gives the complete path of the file from the client’s machine. Do Not use this, as newer browsers as well as newer IE does not display the complete path. The code above, gets the filename only and uses the SaveAs method to save the file.

The last part, and probably the important part is the JavaScript code :
function fileUpload(res) {
            document.getElementById(res).innerHTML = "Uploading……"
            var frm = document.getElementById('frmUpload');
            var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
            iframe.setAttribute("id", "uploaderIframe");
            iframe.setAttribute("name", "uploaderIframe");
            iframe.setAttribute("style", "width: 0; height: 0; border: none;");
            frame = document.getElementById("uploaderIframe");
            var eventHandler = function () {
                if (frame.contentDocument) {
                    data = frame.contentDocument.body.innerHTML;
                //this line puts the content returned into the result div
                document.getElementById(res).innerHTML = data;
                setTimeout('frame.parentNode.removeChild(frame)', 100);
            if (frame.addEventListener)
                frame.addEventListener("load", eventHandler, true);
            if (frame.attachEvent)
                frame.attachEvent("onload", eventHandler);
            frm.setAttribute("target", "uploaderIframe");

      JavaScript is used to submit the form but before that we attach an iframe to it and post the form
The script creates an iframe, attaches the iframe to the form and submits the form. The reponse from the server is put into the div tag that displays the result.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

mongoDB – an intro & usage

A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it can easily be accessed, managed, and updated – This is the definition
For a developer (like me) a database is a something that defines a back-end that looks like a cylinder in the three tier architecture diagram. Some place to store and write queries to get and put the data used by an application. I have mostly used RDBMS databases like MsSQL, Oracle etc. or flat files (years ago, when I was working on mainframes). RDBMS databases were developed to encounter the shortcomings of the flat file databases, to have a standardised data repository, to perform data manipulation with ease (there are many many other reasons why RDBMS were developed…)
Life was fine … until the concept of NoSQL databases came about. NoSQL database provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data that is modeled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases. That is, in RDBMS we have concept of table, row/tuple, column etc. NoSQL databases do not use these constructs to define how data is stored. One of the motivations for this approach includes simplicity of design. NoSQL databases are increasingly used in big data and real-time web applications. You can read about the NoSQL databases here.
                One of the approaches to NoSQL database design (there aremany others) is the Document oriented approach. It is about viewing the database design, the model of the database - as a Document. The general meaning of the word, would make you think of a text document with some data like that of a book, its name, ID, Author, Publisher, Price etc. and yes , data is stored like this but in BSON. BSON is a JSON like format. In the example below is how a book can be defined in mongoDB.

    name:'Intro to mongoDB'
    author:' XYZ '

              mongoDB is an open source, Scalable, Robust, highly flexible database. It is maintained by a company called 10Gen now known as mongodbinc. mongoDB works on concept of collection and document.
                In mongoDB, Collection is a group of mongoDB documents. It is the equivalent of an RDBMS table. A document is a set of key-value pairs. If you see the above example, that represents a document for a book, if there were multiple books, they would be multiple documents for books and that would define a collection for book.
Below is a collection for book that has 3 documents

                The above code represents a collection (can be thought of as a table) and each book (can be regarded as a data row) represents a document.
                The _id is mandatory and can be thought of (it is infact…) a primary key. _id is a 12 bytes hexadecimal number which assures the uniqueness of every document. You can provide _id while inserting the document. If you didn't provide then mongoDB provide a unique id for every document. These 12 bytes first 4 bytes for the current timestamp, next 3 bytes for machine id, next 2 bytes for process id of mongoDB server and remaining 3 bytes are simple incremental value.
If you notice the first document has 5 fields - _id, name, author, publisher and price. The second one has only 4 fields - _id, name, author and price (publisher is not present).  And the 3rd document contains 6 fields with the inclusion on ‘Bestseller’. In mongoDB or in any document oriented databases there is no requirement that all the fields going in one row have to be present in all rows.  Also there can be multiple values in one field, look below

The publisher field has two values in the first document - publisher:['Publisher1','Publisher2']
And one in the second document - publisher:['Publisher1'], therefore we have this one-to-many relationship that is defined pretty easily without having to define another table and constraints.
In mongoDB, we can also have multiple document like structure for one field, look at the example below:


You see that the publisher field can have multiple document like data sets within a field. Here the publisher field has two values. In an RDBMS we would require another table for publisher with key constraints to the main(books) table. In mongoDB, data will be shown from one collection only.

Query Language
In mongoDB the data manipulation is done using what is called a Document Oriented Query Language. Therefore NoSQL does not mean that is not query language, in fact, the NoSQL means Not Only SQL. After the mongoDB server is set up, we can straight away go ahead executing queries to insert or manipulate data.
                The mongo server is already set up on the mongoDB site where you can straight away start executing code on your browser, you can navigate to where a test database for the mongoDB is already set up. As the title of page says ‘A MongoDB Shell in your browser Just enough to scratch the surface.’ Its helps do exactly that.

Now let us execute something .
I you type db, it’ll show you the current database that we are working on. If you type ‘show collections’ it’ll show you the collections in that database.

Right now there are no collections.
                One main thing to know is that the mongo shell acts as a JavaSript console, that is, if you were to execute JS code it would work, like
var x =’ mongoDB’;
this would print mongoDB

This means that mongoDB supports JavaScript. How cool is that!

Now, let us create a document by inserting some data.
Type db.books.insert({name:'Book1',author:'XYZ',publisher:'publisher1',price:40}) in the browser console


We find that one document (record) has been inserted. It’s important to note here that the collection called books is automatically created by mongoDB. The insertion happened for string fields and a numeric field, we have various data types supported by mongoDB, here is a list of all of them -

Now let’s insert another document.


So now we have two documents inserted in the collection called books. If you type
show collections, it should show up the one collection we have called books.
Now if we want to see all the documents under the collection then just do a
this will return all the documents

Or you can use db.books.findOne() to retrieve the very first document in the collection.

If you notice the _id field is automatically added by mongoDB.

Let us search for a book using the id, that would be
– Here we are searching for the second document based of the _id field, this will give

Same way we can search using the name of the book


We can also selectively display what we want to show by adding parameters into the find query.
We can use multiple parameters to retrieve data.
The below example retrieves data based on the name of the book and price

If I were to give price as 30 and publisher as publisher2, then no data is returned


Suppose we want to retrieve only the name and the author of the book, then we can give
The above query specifies that we need the name and the author, the result gives us
Notice that the publisher and price are not shown but the _id field is always shown by default. If you want to hide the _id field then use:


Note here that the 0 parameter for display works only with the _id and nothing else. That means if you do
  It’ll give an error
Let’s insert a document with more documents like the publisher example above.



This has inserted the document with two publishers with their addresses.
Lets try and retrieve this document using the city of one publisher; this can be done by
                notice the quotes to be used when using multiple references for db.books.find({'':"Mumbai"}) otherwise it won’t recognize the . operator.

And hence we get:


And if we want to see only the name and author that has the publisher city as Mumbai then:


The Update and Save methods
                        Updating a documents is simple enough. The syntax being
Suppose we want to update the author for Book2, we simply need to write


And when we search for the document with find(Book2), we get

The save command simply replaces all data in the document. The syntax for save is{_id:ObjectId(),NEW_DATA})
doing this :{"_id" : ObjectId("5500085440694708a5fcba65"),"name":"this document has been saved with a new one"})


Searching for that document gives

That was a very brief intro to mongoDB, so… why mongoDB?

  •  mongoDB's document data model makes it easy for you to store data of any structure and dynamically modify the schema.
  •  Ad hoc queries are supported, search by field, Search by range, usage of regular expressions
  •  mongoDB is very scalable and can run on multiple servers, Hence supports Big Data. New machines can be added to a running database – horizontal scaling is easily done.
  • Supports automatic load balancing
  • mongoDB can be used as a file system taking advantage of the load balancing features.
  •  I think one of the best features is that JavaScript can be used in queries!
  • Another nice feature is that it provides support for location data. This means that there is already support for latitude and longitude, instead of defining decimal fields and using them to define locations.

                    The installation in pretty easy, Just download the latest version of mongoDB right now in version 3.0, best suited for your system. I use a windows 7 32 bit PC and so I downloaded the appropriate version. Go to the download page of mongoDB

                    One thing we need to remember that mongoDB  is not well suited for applications involving complex transaction, this means, we cannot have multiple updates, inserts, then commit or rollback transactions. And mongoDB does not support constraints or joins!, all database constraints are to be manage from the application

Further reading:
             This article is intended to give a brief working idea of mongoDB, to use this in real time application it is necessary to link it to a programming language like php or java.
Combing mongoDB with JavaScript, NodeJS, AngularJS etc. there are new platforms being developed like meteor and meanJS .