Uploading a file using web page
needs the page to be submitted. There was no other way to do this except that
HTML5 came up with the FileReader object.
But if you need a version of file upload that is asynchronous
kind of like Ajax then here is a very simple solution.
I’ve used ASP.NET with JavaScript the same concept and the JavaScript
code can be used with any other server side processing language. Note that this
uses only JavaScript and no jQuery and is browser independent (Iv’e checked
this in IE8 and it works fine)
A HTTP Handler is the one that handles file submission and
returns a HTML string that is used to display a response.
The HTML code has a from with a file control and div tag to
display the result
<form action='fileuploader.ashx' method="post" id='frmUpload' enctype="multipart/form-data" >
<input type="file" name="file1" onchange="fileUpload('upload'); return false;" />
<div id="upload"></div>
The form is called frmupload & including the enctype="multipart/form-data"
is important to get the file data upon submission. The file control is called file1 and the
result div is called upload.
The .ashx.cs file contains the following code:
public void
ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
"private, no-cache");
//only the post method is handled
if (context.Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
string fName = "";
if (context.Request.Files["file1"] != null)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request.Files["file1"].FileName))
//get only the filename
fName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(context.Request.Files["file1"].FileName);
better to use the SaveAs methof provided by the file upload control
//in later browers the FileName does not give the complete
path of the file
//in ie8 the FileName gives the complete path
context.Request.Files["file1"].SaveAs(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("uploads") + "/"
+ fName);
context.Response.Write(fName+" has been
context.Response.Write("There was an
error uploading the file");
context.Response.Write("There was an error
uploading the file");
If you see an ashx file,
the main method put the by default by visual studio is the
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
We will use this method
to get our file using the HttpContext
object provided by the method.
This method takes the HttpContext object (called context) and uses it to get the file control.
The control has methoid called SaveAs that is used to save the file into a location on the server. While using IE (IE 8), I found that the FileName property of the control gives the complete path of the file from the client’s machine. Do Not use this, as newer browsers as well as newer IE does not display the complete path. The code above, gets the filename only and uses the SaveAs method to save the file.
The last part, and probably the important part is the
JavaScript code :
function fileUpload(res) {
document.getElementById(res).innerHTML = "Uploading……"
var frm = document.getElementById('frmUpload');
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.setAttribute("id", "uploaderIframe");
iframe.setAttribute("name", "uploaderIframe");
"width: 0; height: 0; border: none;");
frame = document.getElementById("uploaderIframe");
var eventHandler = function
() {
if (frame.contentDocument) {
data = frame.contentDocument.body.innerHTML;
//this line puts the content returned into
the result div
document.getElementById(res).innerHTML = data;
if (frame.addEventListener)
eventHandler, true);
if (frame.attachEvent)
frm.setAttribute("target", "uploaderIframe");
JavaScript is used to submit the form but before that we
attach an iframe to it and post the form
The script creates an iframe, attaches the iframe to the
form and submits the form. The reponse from the server is put into the div tag
that displays the result.
Download the visual studio solution here